January 22, 2025
How my changing seasons keep changing me as a man

How my changing seasons keep changing me as a man

When I was in high-school, I was a strong athlete who ended up thinking I would pursue it as a career. But seasons change. At the time, being the games captain of my school and definitely making girls blush from my six pack (oh how funny yet vain that was!) I used to feel like I run the world. I played volleyball and led my team to several wins and some other hard and tough losses which definitely molded my view towards life. For instance, my sense of discipline and dedication was being put to test. Ask any athlete and they will tell you, if you are not dedicated in your diet and training plan, you are doomed into not meeting the athletic standards. As such, this season which I was in my mid to late teens was preparing me for the next level. I strongly felt like I would push through and even followed up for a basketball training to join a big, national team, but my wishes were cut short, hence I did not follow my athletic career path.

Then off I went to university and studied marketing which was after I had already got a job in a mining company. I then was actually able to buy myself a few things, which gave me a taste of independence. Imagine being able to know how earning money feels for the first time. (I did not grow up being given an allowance) From my upbringing, understanding good money culture from encouraging saving was not practiced, so you can bet that being salaried was a big deal for me…until I was expected to hand over all the money to my family, an action that stripped me of all my joy and enthusiasm. Well, I morphed, and thought I would become a marketer, but seasons change.

After university, I started Personal Fitness training while selling yogurt. This was my first season of learning the entreprenuership ropes, as getting a job was getting close to impossible. Armed with a Certification for Aerobics training from the American Council of Exercise, I approached my local church to request the use of their grounds. During this season, I got to train older women and even attracted suspicion from my family that I was under the wings of a cougar! Imagine the shock, as those were just my clients, and mostly, women were more interested in getting their bodies in shape than the men around. I thought I would take that as a career, but seasons change.

6 months later, our son was born and I was delivering bananas to schools. Then a radio operator in a mining project in the middle of nowhere,
slowly transitioned me to a Safety officer. I had to travel miles away from my new-born and the mother, leaving my relationship somewhat shaky. During this season, I tried to concentrate on work, but it was super stressful being away for long(including sexually exhausting!) I had to adjust into being a working dad, and feel an iota of how dads who work in harsh and risky areas go through. Big up to you if you are reading this. I acknowledge, it is not easy.

Then another year came with the birth of our second born, finding me five months into joblessness after our earlier mining contract had ended. With pain I lamented to God being in-between unstable seasons. Our financial status was wanting, we were deep in debt, and I beat myself up for not being able to provide for my family at the time. My wife got a job, leaving me home as the stay-at-home-dad. One day I started vlogging about myself, my life and my impact as a PRESENT FATHER on the Present Fatherhood YouTube channel, and Facebook page…And that season is what has since then never changed.

Today I advance the second phase of my most stable season: Blogging in the PRESENTFATHERHOOD.ORG Website. Trust me, the details of the seasons are not even explained to the letter, but you can get a glimpse of the journey. This is to encourage you, no matter what season you are at, take the lessons as you will definitely apply them along the way.

Stick around with me during this season, as I pray it lasts forever,

Welcome to the presentfatherhoodgang!

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