March 13, 2025
Should you do house chores as a man?

Should you do house chores as a man?

Men and house chores. Is there something that attacks your sense of masculinity like this one?  Mostly, most of us will cite reasons against this being, we work and come home tired, or it is a woman’s job. Let us put aside the fact that maybe you can employ someone to do the house chores, can you still want to do house chores? 


I came from a society where boys were regarded highly superior, to mean that in a household having sons and daughters, the daughters did all the household work while the sons stayed hands clean. Fast forward, these men transferred the same to their households. In my own home, I was the only son, and my mother saw it fit that I acquire the cleaning skills. Her argument?   Doing house chores was not hard, I was not special from my sisters, and when I have my own home, I would appreciate having learnt to do some house chores from her home. Fast forward for me, I realized that I enjoy house chores, as it was not something I was forced into, but rather allowed to grow in. My sons have been able to observe that I can clear my plate from the table and also learn from me too as I do not have to wait for their mother to do it.

It is a show of responsibility to your kids.

Loving your environment and keeping it clean and tidy should be everyone’s responsibility. Do you remember the saying that says; If everyone swept outside their door, the world would be a cleaner place? Clearing up your space is an opportunity for your children to observe and learn personal responsibility. It teaches them that you can care for your environment by ensuring that your personal space is well maintained. Remember, kids learn through observation more than theory. What are you mirroring in your home for them to observe? Here is why you should consider doing house chores as a man.

Can be a good time to catch up with your spouse

If mostly your woman is the one who does the cleaning and home management, joining in the task will cut the work by half, and you can have some conversations while at it. Especially after children come along, most women begin feeling burdened by the child and house care. This could brew into contempt and you may notice your spouse constantly grumpy and tired. Offer a hand after your other commitments and get to work together. Hard at first, but the chores will get easier with time. Being hands on in the house will actually relieve your spouse, making her upbeat, as it is an intimate time together.

It does not reduce your sense of manhood

It is true. You may think that you shall be less of a man by sweeping some food off the floor or vacuuming after your kids have smeared stuff on the carpet. That concept could not be further from the truth. In actual sense, it makes you more attractive. A man who cleans after himself is a show of responsibility and good upbringing. Hear it here, you are not less of a man by doing house chores. You are more.

All it takes is interest

You may be tired from work. So is your spouse, especially if she works too or the children are young. You do not need to start doing all the cleaning. Showing up as often as you can in a week is important. Even if you have hired someone for the task, decide to offset them for some hours and do it yourself. Remember, you are modelling something in your children’s mind. Take interest and everything shall be okay.


There you have it, try your hand in some house chores today, make it fun and notice your family’s reaction thereafter.

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