January 2, 2025
9 Great Ways To be a Better Dad

9 Great Ways To be a Better Dad

Now more than ever, dads are purposing to become better by enjoying more time with their kids. The satisfaction they say they are getting is nothing compared to other ways of spending time like going out to drink with friends. Indeed, life’s best moments are the ones spent with loved ones. The joy of committing to your family and playing an active role in their lives is simply incredible. You watch the smiles through their little eyes, and their effort to try and impress you. It’s amazing really. How then do you take this a notch higher? How to do you ensure that you keep getting better and better as a dad? Well, here are 9 great ways to be a better daddy!

1. Respect Their Mother.

Everyone loves their mama. Woe unto to you if you have boys. The affection those humans have for their mothers is out of the world. She’s their first love, and any unfair treatment is always met with aggressive behavior. So if you want to be a good daddy, first become a good husband. Treat your wife with lots of love and affection. Openly express your care for her. You’ll see how your children will bubble up with excitement. As Francis a dad of three confessed, his kids love it when he kisses their mother. They’d even ask him to do it again, and their mum would giggle. They love it. So go ahead and love that woman, treat her like a queen she is and watch your daddy points skyrocket. If you live apart or are separated, be sure to respect her regardless.


2. Spend Time with Your Kids.

This goes without saying. You cannot be a great dad to people you don’t know. Despite your busy schedule, create time, take your kids for a walk, build things together, sing, and make jokes. I’m telling you, kids love it! This way they get to learn more about you and you get to learn more on them. You get to know each other the more. You will know each child’s personality, their likes, and dislikes. If you have more than one kid, create time for each. It’s very important that you get to spend time with each individually. You’ll encourage their uniqueness and you’ll know them as individuals, which is important as they develop.

 3. Listen First, Then Talk Later

As adults, we all play the know-it-all card. We constantly want to teach and teach. I bet I’d be bored just listening to you. Kids like to impress you. Therefore, anytime they get to be with you, they will always want to impress. Give them their time. Listen to their endless stories of how so and so ate their sweater, or lost their pen. This way, you are helping build their vocabulary and confidence. They will feel valued and appreciated. After listening, you’ll be able to offer guidance and direction after carefully analyzing the information given to you.

4. Discipline Them With Love

Love is the answer always! When you are angry, never discipline your child because you’ll end up doing more harm than good. Wait until you are calm. Explain why you are disciplining them and then do it with love. Children understand when they are wrong as much as when they are being unfairly punished.

5. Be a Role Model.

Don’t preach water while you are indulging in wine. Things don’t work that way with children. You probably know that by now. So put down that wine and drink water. Walk the talk. Lead by example. If you are teaching them about honesty, ask yourself if you are actually honest. You need to constantly be self-aware. Recognize that you have people that are watching your every move. As the saying goes, “Show me your children and I’ll tell you who you are.” Let your kids be a replica of you if not better.


6. Be a Teacher.

I recently met a friend who’s the best mechanic I know. On inquiry, I got to learn that he was taught everything by his late dad. Over the years, he’s been perfecting the art. I know many have two or three things they can attribute to their dads. That’s what I’m talking about. You are your kid’s first teacher. From you they learn how to treat women, save, invest, work hard, deal with mental health and so on. Be that teacher. Because if you don’t, someone else will, and you probably won’t like the outcome.

7. Eat Together As A Family.

There is just something about eating together. In the Bible book of Acts, the early church ate a lot together. They called it communing together. It was so vital in the early church, that it’s credited to the growth of the entire Christianity faith. Eating together helps bond the family. You can enjoy a meal together as you catch up on each other’s day. You can also teach service by serving your family.

8. Read to Your Children.

Most of the adults I meet say they remember their dads reading to them. They even remember the exact stories. Reading to your kids is such a powerful tool to engrave lasting memories in your kid’s brains. It will stick in them into their adulthood. Reading to them also creates a conversation starter. For example, you could begin a conversation by asking what you read the previous night or what they learnt from the story. That way, your time together will not lack what to talk about.

9. Pray Together

In a world that has lost its moral compass, prayer is the only way to help your kids find it. Teach them how to pray if you value having a sense of spirituality. I do this with my kids all the time. It’s absolutely thrilling to hear my boys pray. Praying together help your kids learn about a greater authority than you also submit to. They will grow in it and when they are old they’ll be led by it.

Your kids need you to be the best dad, they already know you are the best. All you need to do is show them.

Families thrive when fathers are present.

Jeff Dindi, Founder PresentFatherhoodorg
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