October 25, 2024
Why you should be keen about getting a good haircut

Why you should be keen about getting a good haircut

You’ve not known what stress means until you come across a woman who’s about to get her hair done, even as a haircut. She’ll keep on flipping through tones of magazines looking for nothing else but a style whether an extension or haircut. I was even surprised to find out that they start researching for a style two weeks before having their hair done. This fact left me wondering, is it really such a big deal?

The answer is YES! A big one! You see, one’s hair is like a preface. It gives you a glimpse of what the inside looks like. It’s a private part that isn’t really private, and women understand this fact, even though theirs is more of a competition thing. That’s why most people spend their whole lives hiding it in caps. I mean, if you were to look at my hair and find it’s full of dandruff, what conclusion would you arrive at? So this brings us to the questions; do men also go through this stress with their haircuts? Are you also as sensitive as women are about their hair? Are there hidden facts about men’s haircuts?


A haircut is the most important aspect of any man’s grooming. It curves out your physical complexion in 3D. If you are in doubt, go ask any barber, he will describe everything to you in diagrams. Men, just like women, are also very sensitive and specific about any detail that pertains to their hair. Unlike women though, your stress is only limited to whether or not the barber will get that style exactly how you want it or whether your girlfriend or wife will like it. You heard me, how your woman likes it. Even if you do not want to admit it to yourself, you’ll be surprised at how crucial a role women play when it comes to which style you have. That however is not a topic for today.

You most likely have one or two specific haircuts that you go with. I’m talking about serious men, those that have undergone a series of different haircuts until they have narrowed down to two or three styles that best fits them. Not these boys who give the barber a hard time trying to curve a style that does not, and will never match their heads. I’m sure you’ve seen such people. You know your hair style is messed up or not right from the first stroke the barber puts on your head. No wonder your usual barber rarely asks about which haircut you need, as he has studied your head shape over time and knows what to do.

Haircuts and hair styles will give you a certain edge. They ensure that you carry a commanding aura as you go. You can tell if your colleague likes his haircut simply by watching his body language. A good haircut gives you a different walking style, puts a mischievous smile on your face, and ensures that your body posture is steady and confident.


It is also a huge part of your dress code as it complements it and puts a final fine touch that communicates your masculinity. Some people even go as far as having a different haircut for every outfit.  Unless you are very sure and you have a trustworthy barber, that method can be quite overboard a fashion sense. Most of these barbers are simply out to make a living, they have no consideration for your style whatsoever. The only style they are aware of is “Jordan” (head without hair)

There are however several factors to consider before arriving at one or two haircuts. Some of these factors are social, physical and even financial. It also involves your facial structure, and the event that you want to attend at the season of that haircut. Now that you know why a haircut is important, schedule to have one as often as possible so as to be able to keep neat.

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