Marriage is about giving. If you are a taker, you cannot survive in this intimate institution.
A wise old man
As a newly wed husband, like many others I thought that the chase was over. I mean, I had won the girl and she was even pregnant with my child. I had hit the jackpot! Did I really need to continue being mushy? In my mind, I felt like getting to marriage meant I could expect loyalty and respect from someone consistently, and of course great sex without trouble! What I failed to know then was that I was having expectations, but not focusing on what I was meant to offer.
After a tussle with my wife in the first year as we got our footing, I realized something needed to change. She was constantly complaining that I was not doing this or the other, and I was complaining that she was not. We sat down and laid out our expectations, exchanged the papers, and everyone started reading from that script. As we started acting in response to each others expectations, it dawned to us that we had unlocked the secret box! That formula has helped me know what to do for my spouse, which you can too (because women can be quite similar in their needs and wants) Here are the simple intimate things you can do for your spouse around the house.
Groom Them Up
Do you like your woman looking a particular way? Well, you can contribute to that. Help them with their hair, or shave them. You can even soak together in the bathtub and scrub her back. Customize this based on what you think you can do, but generally do something that improves her body. Including offering a massage!
Serve Them Breakfast In Bed
This simple intimate act melts anyone away. No wonder some prestigious hotels do it and you end up feeling so refreshed! Doing this simple act is an show of love and service. Watch them as they eat happily and chat along.
Do A Chore That Was Meant For Them

It could be changing the baby, or preparing dinner. Every home has a system of operation and mostly, you may grow into some individual roles. If you know that she often picks groceries on the weekend, offer to do it on her behalf once in a while. It will act as a relief and thoughtful.
Offer Help When They Are On Their Period
This monthly occurrence can be one that you must always be keen on. From the fluctuating mood swings to the pain that comes with the cramps. Offer a hand by preparing a hot water bottle she can use to place on her abdomen, massage her back, relieve her of some chores and get her some medication if need be. These simple intimate acts show you are concerned and care for her.
Take Care Of The Kids To Offer Them Time Out
Children care is a fulltime job. When you do not have a sitter, offer to take care of the children and keep them busy to. This is solely so that your woman can go somewhere and have alone time, or meet up with her friends. It is common for us to forget that our wives are social beings especially once the babies start coming. Be deliberate in giving her a breather and she will feel intimately loved.
There you go, those are some simple intimate things you can do for your spouse. Remember to customize them according to your spouses likes for maximum success.