February 8, 2025
11 Ways To Increase Your Sperm Count

11 Ways To Increase Your Sperm Count

Research shows that infertility is a common problem affecting men more often than it does women. It’s estimated that approximately one in every six couples
suffers from infertility with 40 to 50 per cent of those cases being caused by the male partner

Infertility is not treatable but can be improved through healthy diets and certain lifestyle changes.The quality of sperm is determined by the number or concentration of sperm cells

In case you have a low sperm quality and it’s affecting your partner’s chances of conceiving, here are 11 natural ways to increase it hence improve your sperm count and fertility.


  1. Exercise and sleep
    Research shows that exercising and maintaining a healthy weight can lead to increased sperm count especially in obese men. Multiple studies have also shown that 16 weeks of aerobic exercise for 50 minutes every day can increase sperm concentration and volume in obese and sedentary men.
  2. Reduce stress
    Stress causes your body to take defensive action and conserve energy. The body becomes less concerned with reproduction and focuses more on surviving, in times of distress.Have a healthy diet, exercise regularly and do something that you enjoy doing. All of this will
    help in managing stress. For men who are suffering from severe stress or anxiety, doctors may prescribe anti-anxiety pills.
  3. Say no to smoking
    Did you know that smoking reduces sperm count consistently? Well, studies done in 2016 show that men smoking consistently suffered from reduced sperm count. Avoid!
  4. Avoid alcohol and drugs
    Consumption of drugs such as marijuana and cocaine is directly related to decreased sperm count. Even excessive alcohol lowers testosterone levels and sperm quality and quantity. It can even cause low libido and even impotency.
  5. Take your supplements
    Studies show that taking Vitamin D and calcium supplements Improve sperm count because
    the lower levels of Vitamin D have been directly linked with low sperm count. If you don’t know where to find them, ask your doctor for permission and buy them from
    anywhere without a prescription.
  6. Take more antioxidants rich foods
    Antioxidants help in reducing the number of free radicals in the body. These free radicals
    can cause inflammation, which in turn can lead to several diseases and problems. Increasing the number of antioxidant foods in your diet can help increase the sperm count.
  7. Have ashwagandha
    Also known as Indian ginseng, Ashwagandha has been used as a traditional remedy for several forms of sexual dysfunctions. Study shows that men with low sperm count who took 675 milligrams of ashwagandha daily for 90 days increased their sperm count by 167 per
  8. Increase Vitamin C intake
    Vitamin C not only boosts your immunity but also increases your sperm count. By increasing
    your Vitamin C intake, the blood flow in the body and the ability to maintain an erection will
    be improved. Eating citric fruits like lemon, oranges and tomatoes will increase your sperm
    count very fast.
  9. Take fenugreek seeds
    These seeds are not only packed with healthy nutrients, but they also increase testosterone level and sperm count. Try to add some fenugreek seeds to a glass of water and leave it overnight. Remove the seeds and drink the water first thing in the morning. You’ll see the magic that happens.
  10. Maintain a healthy weight
    Being overweight can lead to several health conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular issues
    and even low sperm count. That extra fat accumulated in the body can reduce the
    testosterone levels in the body and decrease sex drive.
    Exercising and eating healthy to lose weight can increase your sperm count.
  11. Ditch tight clothes
    Did you know that those tight briefs and skinny jeans can make your scrotum too warm and may harm the production of sperms? Study shows that wearing boxers are much better than wearing briefs.

    Basically, as a man, your performance in bed is very crucial and you must maintain a healthy sex life and sperm quantity and quality.
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