I never used to train my leg muscles regularly when I started lifting weights and so my physique somewhat did not have that uniform shape. This went on until I stepped into campus where it was all competition for the body goals with the comrades. The likes of Brian Oketch, Ultimate Sports Nutrition (USN) ambassador, Wilson Munene, Kizito Bwire the Gym rat and many others. You could never look confident with chicken legs walking around the gym! With this motivation, I developed a liking for legs where I would do warm up squats every single day even if I was going to work out other muscle groups. Working out the legs became my addiction and my favorite of all workouts and since then I significantly saw big changes to date as the road to perfection never ends.
The discipline in Building Muscle

No one ever wants their body to look disproportionate. Reasons behind performing leg workouts are; it is important for building your lower body which helps in support and stability, core strength as well as helping in overall endurance. Here are some of the quick ways to build legs either in the gym or for people who do not have access to the gym. Despite genetics doing a great favor in results, eating a lot of protein with a good workout program will help to quick up the muscle building process. It is better to prioritize weight over cardio, train at least three times a week and practice explosive reps while getting plenty of rest between workouts.
When in the gym, back squat will help to strengthen your lower body while building your calves, hips as well as aiding in general mobility. For people who cannot visit the gym, bodyweight squats will help to keep the lower back strong, tone your body overall, burn fat and also help in faster fat loss. I have always had a good posture and an improved flexibility after mastering the art of squats with good form and low risk to the knee.
Barbell Lunge
For those in the gym, it is possible to do the barbell, kettle bell or dumbbell lunges more often while performing leg sessions with a good workout program. When done correctly, lunges have proved to be very effective in coordination and improving muscle balance throughout your body. This exercise can be done anywhere in the house with bodyweight hence it will tone the butt, helps with the core and improves your posture.
Never Forget the Calves
Of course some people are just genetically blessed with the calf muscles. If you are not the rare type with calves, you have to work them out regularly to see results. When in the gym, you can do the standing calf raise with weights or the calf raise machine. However, bodyweight is also effective while doing the normal calf raise or the donkey raises. In this way, you get to lift the heels until you stand only on the toes. When they are done correctly, all exercises are effective and will bring forth results either in the gym or at the comfort of your homes. This will help to avoid dangers or injuries which might arise from bad lifting or ignorance.
Glute Bridge/ Hip thrust
While the Glute Bridge is normally done with shoulders on the floor, hip thrust are done with the shoulders on a bench. In performing the hip thrust, weights are loaded while in Glute Bridge it’s normally a bodyweight exercise which can also be done with weights. This exercise is perfect workout for the hamstrings, lower back and the abdominals. It does not put pressure on the lower back and the knee hence it can be used as a substitution for squats to build leg muscles for people with lower back pain or knee injuries.
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Stiff leg deadlift is an isolation movement that targets the hip flexion and extension and it’s done to increase strength of the muscles. This exercise helps people to have an upright posture while working out the hamstrings as well as building the lower back strength. It helps build the erectors and the gluteus Maximus which aids in stability and mobility.
There you have it! Build your leg muscle easily and be the next talk of town for being well toned. You can check my Youtube Channel, Instagram and Facebook Page for more detailed workout videos and explanations. If you want personal training and consultation, Email me on juliusopiyo4@gmail.com for a perfect workout program.