October 24, 2024
Spicing your sex life this Valentine’s Day

Spicing your sex life this Valentine’s Day

It is Valentine’s weekend and most lovers are on a frenzy as to how to celebrate it. Whether you will be going all out on a restaurant or surprising your woman this day, one thing is for sure…Sex will be on the menu! How exactly do you intend to spice it up, being that this is the day women expect you to go all out?


Some valentine’s day years back, I had it all planned out in my head. After watching a number of movies, (that was the only way I could relate with Valentine’s, being that I did not grow up celebrating it) I settled to get my lady some of what I had seen. Guess what I opted for! Roses, nonalcoholic champagne, some cheap chocolates and chips, and a lingerie set I expected to fit my woman. This was way before we got pregnant. Being on a low budget, I knew for sure that this would be impressive to my date.

There was your guy, wiping the surfaces of his small hostel and setting up the area. As seen in the movies, I opted to pluck the rose petals and place them from the door mat to the bed. I then covered the florescent bulb with a red polythene bag so as to dim it into a deep red and theme the room. With no wine glasses nor champagne ones, I just set up two mugs and hoped they would do. Some lingerie on the top of the bed, and viola! I had hacked it as per the movie manual! Poor boy child…Let my date enter. To my surprise, it went down so well, and the lingerie fit! I was so worried that she would have thought I actually got it for someone else. So from those humble beginnings, here is how I learnt on how to spice up our sex life.

Start off with a massage

Physical touch is the best way to offer stimulus to both of you, which is bound to get the temperatures rising. It does not mean that you shall jump straight on each other during the massage (although it is possible) but it sets the tempo for the day. If you returned from work early, encourage your woman to massage you and do the same sensually as you talk about how your day was or play truth or dare.

Dress up and look sexy for the day

Are you going out for dinner or staying indoors? It does not matter. After the massage, you can shower and dress up for each other. It may sound somewhat ceremonious, but a necessary way to show your woman that you are making effort in marking the Day of Love. Suit up, or get smart casual, depending on your liking. Regardless, looking sharp is key.

Some gifts to her will turn her on

Is your woman into gifts? This may be a great time to get her something she has been eyeing for a while. She must have given you hints along the way, so you can not say you are completely clueless as to what to get her. Yes, it can be inexpensive, yet memorable, like my cheap chocolates and lingerie. Remember, women need some mood setting for them to be better responsive in bed, so a gift will definitely score you some points for what is coming ahead.

You never go wrong after enjoying a nice meal together

Hungry man, angry man…Know that saying? Well, there is a reason why most Valentines day offers include a three course or more dinners. To get you full enough to perform buddy! Have a filling meal by either ordering some take outs, or having a buffet from home or at your place of choice. There is a correlation between good sex and good food, and I know you know it.

Watch a sexy movie together

You may think that Valentine’s day is too long to do much. The list of what you can do is non-exhaustive! All you need is a good plan and this is one. Check some netflix movies that get your blood hot, even if you are not a romance fan. It is all about setting the mood bro, and then everything else shall be added to you.

There you have it, you can enjoy great sex by trying out the following techniques. An old man once told me that when it comes to sex, women are like using wet firewood. To light it, you need a lot of time and technique, but once that fire is on, turning is off is not easy. As for men, well, we are as quick a cigarette lighter. So fast to get on and even quicker to go off. Turn on your woman this Valentine’s and thank yourself for it.

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