February 23, 2025


Jeff Presentfatherhood - Jeff is a young dad of two vibrant boys from Nairobi, Kenya. He is all about sensitizing men to be present in parenting and you can catch him on Youtube @presentfatherhood.

How To Deal With a Nagging Wife

Staying with a nagging wife is like a mosquito constantly buzzing in your area at night and you cant really smash it. It can harm your mental health, make you doubt yourself as you aim to figure out effective means of communication. Please leave...

Simple Intimate Things You Can Do For Your Spouse

Marriage is about giving. If you are a taker, you cannot survive in this intimate institution.A wise old man As a newly wed husband, like many others I thought that the chase was over. I mean, I had won the girl and she was even pregnant with my...

Why Women Are so Obsessed With Your Shoes

“I love your shoes!” I have heard women use those words on my friend Okafor, more times than I can remember. For a long time, I thought it was because he was a Nigerian, and you know those guys can charm women. I digress. I remember some years back...

Why Dads Should Help Their Kids With homework

It is constantly a debate in parent-teacher circles as to whether parents should help with homework, and up to what level they should if so. When it comes to the home, is the homework review the mom’s or the dad’s responsibility? Helping kids with...

Should You Carry Work To Your Bedroom?

The bedroom. A room in a house where people sleep. Tell you what, this definition has totally changed today. The bedroom has become the one place where we go with our phones to catch up with trends and worse still, carry documents and continue...

How To Balance Work And Family Time As a Dad

Is time really enough? Yes, it waits for no man, and when you are a dad, you probably want it to slow down. From the birth of your child, it may always feel like you are racing against time! There is just so much to achieve in the same 24 hours...

Is Your Child Ready To Own A Phone?

Thinking of getting your child a phone? Welcome to parenting in the millennial era. So much has changed as a phone is a basic transmitter of information and communication gadget. Long gone are the days when a phone was for the elite. With them being...

Why Your Phone Use Is Affecting Your Intimacy

You just got home, had dinner and start swiping through your phone. What a relaxing time to go through social media. There is this trending dance on Tiktok, and a heated debate on the Facebook group. Brushing your teeth lasts longer as you still...

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